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DIY Transformations

Cabinet and Counter Transformed

There are some new products on the market for those Do It Yourselfers that can completely transform the look of your kitchen, bathroom or furniture. RUST-OLEUM® has come out with several new items that can change the look of cabinets, furniture or tile. While I have not used them myself, I have spoken to several home owners and contractors that have. They can revitalize a surface for short money when compared to pulling down tile and cabinets and replacing them with new product. Keep this in mind when either searching for a home that does not fit your expectations; or when considering putting your home on the market to give it a face lift, and you have to really consider your budget.  The image included is an example of the RUST-OLEUM® products.  I just love to find new ways to create beautiful spaces.  If you have any suggestions for products that help transform you home, let us know.