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International Travel Protection Tips

Here are some tips to keep your well deserved travel time safe.

Clean your wallet- only take necessary documents with you. Use your license as an ID at local stops instead of your passport.

Place your mail on hold. Have someone keep an eye on your home. Set up automatic timers with lights that turn on and off during the evening.

Stay away from social media until you return home, including announcing your travel plans.

Bring your electronics chargers, head phones and electric current adaptors.

Scan travel documents/passport/credit card info so you have easy access if something is lost or stolen, or carry a copy of this info separate from your wallet.

Keep your wallet well protected, a deep front pocket, a cross body bag, or an undergarment travel pouch.

Contact your credit card company to let them know you are traveling internationally. Some foreign countries require a security code in addition to the chip readers, make sure you know what yours is. All credit cards should have the chip technology. Make sure the credit card companies have your phone number or email in case they need to contact you while away. Many more shops around the world accept credit cards. Check out the international exchange rates on your credit cards, some have fees, some do not.

If you do need cash, withdraw it only from bank ATMs or exchange at approved currency exchanges at the airport.

Lock up your valuables in the hotel safe.

Avoid public access computers, and unsecured internet.

If something is stolen, notify the company of the loss immediately.

Consider travel insurance if something happens along the way, or if you need to cancel in advance, it is worth the relatively small investment.

Carry snacks. You never know what an airline will serve, or if you will be delayed and unable to access a restaurant.

Stay safe. Please share any additional tips that might be helpful.