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The Art of the Walk Through

magnifyingglassOne of the last crucial steps to take before you go to the closing table to sign your mortgage documents should be the walk through of your new home. This gives you the opportunity to see that everything is in good working order, and get an opportunity to deal with any last minute problems that might arise.

The walk through should be scheduled within 24 hours of your closing. It will take about 30 minutes to compete.

Now, what are you actually doing when you do the walk through?

Check that the appliances and plumbing are working- you can turn on the dishwasher, turn on light switches, run the faucets to see that everything is operational.

You can also ask for owner manuals for appliances and warranties on any items that may exist.

Double check that any repairs that were supposed to been done have actually happened.

Make sure personal belongings have been removed, or items that should be left behind per your contract are still in place.

Make sure mother nature hasn’t done any damage to the property since the purchase and sale has been signed.

If you do identify some problems, let your real estate agent get involved. They can negotiate a repair that hasn’t happened, get items removed that are still in place, or arrange for funds to be held back until the situation is corrected. Don’t panic if something is out of place. There is always a solution, whether it is a postponement of the document signing or a renegotiation of an item. You have legal recourse as protections and most often times, a mutual agreement can be reached.

We have had situations where flooding has occurred due to a storm, or Sellers have refused to remove their belongings. In each case, a short negotiation remedied the repairs. It is also not uncommon to find that Sellers will ask to leave items that may be useful to you, such as gardening tools that they no longer need, at no additional charges.

The walk through can give you that additional sense of confidence that you have made a great decision with your home purchase.

Once the walk through is complete, you are on your way to signing your documents and receiving the keys to your new home.

What’s the biggest surprise you have come across while doing a walk through?

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