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40 Clark St., Somerset

Video Link.Sultry river view Colonial features 3 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 Baths, open kitchen/dining room, large living room w/FP, gleaming hardwood floors throughout. Bonus family room & mudroom or office on 1st floor. Large basement, tons of storage. Mass Save insulated. Over sized fenced yard w/play

Price: 269,000
Address: 40 Clark St.
City: Somerset
State: MA
ZIP: 02726
MLS #: 71553113
Square Feet: 1680
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1.5
Basement: full

Additional Features:

set & shed. Great commuter location to Fall River or RI. All offers contingent on 3rd party approval [including their addendums/conditions] & mutually agreeable P&S including Seller Short Sale Addendum.  front close up back house angle backyard shed garage river livingroom5 fireplace kitchen1 kitchen2 DR1 pantry bedroom1 bedroom1a bedroom2a bedroom master2 bedroom master4 bedroom master3 bathroom up bathroom down laundry1 heating electric family2Video Link.Sultry river view Colonial features 3 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 Baths, open kitchen/dining room, large living room w/FP, gleaming hardwood floors throughout. Bonus family room & mudroom or office on 1st floor. Large basement, tons of storage. Mass Save insulated. Over sized fenced yard w/play
Price: 269,000
Address: 40 Clark St.
City: Somerset
State: MA
ZIP: 02726
MLS #: 71553113
Square Feet: 1680
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1.5
Basement: full

Additional Features:

set & shed. Great commuter location to Fall River or RI. All offers contingent on 3rd party approval [including their addendums/conditions] & mutually agreeable P&S including Seller Short Sale Addendum.  front close up back house angle backyard shed garage river livingroom5 fireplace kitchen1 kitchen2 DR1 pantry bedroom1 bedroom1a bedroom2a bedroom master2 bedroom master4 bedroom master3 bathroom up bathroom down laundry1 heating electric family2Video Link.Sultry river view Colonial features 3 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 Baths, open kitchen/dining room, large living room w/FP, gleaming hardwood floors throughout. Bonus family room & mudroom or office on 1st floor. Large basement, tons of storage. Mass Save insulated. Over sized fenced yard w/play
Price: 269,000
Address: 40 Clark St.
City: Somerset
State: MA
ZIP: 02726
MLS #: 71553113
Square Feet: 1680
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1.5
Basement: full

Additional Features:

set & shed. Great commuter location to Fall River or RI. All offers contingent on 3rd party approval [including their addendums/conditions] & mutually agreeable P&S including Seller Short Sale Addendum.  front close up back house angle backyard shed garage river livingroom5 fireplace kitchen1 kitchen2 DR1 pantry bedroom1 bedroom1a bedroom2a bedroom master2 bedroom master4 bedroom master3 bathroom up bathroom down laundry1 heating electric family2