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What Are Words Really Worth?

Great descriptions sell your home!

While an amazing picture of your home will catch a Buyer’s eye, the accompanying description must be equally as powerful. The description you create can actually increase of decrease your profitability margin.

Words can be too vague, over used or have become passé and will be a disservice to the listing if used. The goal is to appeal to something specific that the Buyer can connect with. Stay away from the following:

Fantastic = too good to be true

Charming = small and often not updated

Spacious = vast or by removing some furniture the room looks bigger than it is

Great Neighborhood = everyone views a neighborhood differently, what is important to a young family may not be important to couple that is down sizing.

To increase your profitability, use words that reflect Buyer’s needs and wants today. Here are some great examples that Buyers are looking for: state of the art, granite, energy efficient, gourmet, and hardwood.

A great description will not only get Buyers in the door quickly, but it will lead to a quicker seller with higher profits as you have managed to meet today’s expectations.