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How to Avoid 5 of the Most Expensive Mistakes Home Buyers Make

 Mistake #1: Not knowing how much they can afford before they make an offer.
The easiest way to avoid this mistake is to get pre-approved for a mortgage by a Lender so you know in advance exactly how much you can afford. Most pre-approvals are free and it will give you a basis to  make a more informed purchasing decision when you find the house you like.

Mistake #2: Not realizing that the wrong mortgage can cost thousands of dollars in needless interest and taxes. Check with your accountant before you make your final decision on which mortgage you’re going to choose. Your CPA can tell you what the long-term effects will be on your income, your taxes, and the equity you build in your home over time. Most people aren’t aware that with a standard 30-year mortgage they’ll be paying two-and-a-half times the amount of the mortgage in payments. With some advance planning and a simple strategy, they can cut the amount of interest they pay dramatically and own their homes sooner.

Mistake #3: Not realizing in advance whom the real estate consultant represents.

Most people think that the agent they’re working with is working for them. But unless they’re working as your buyer representative, they represent the seller.  There are different types of agency relationships you can have with a Realtor, so make sure you’re clear on your options.

Mistake #4: Not discovering hidden defects before they buy a home.

One of the most expensive mistakes is also one of the easiest to avoid, by having a professional pre-purchase home inspection.  Don’t get stuck with a money pit. The cost of a professional home inspection is usually a few hundred dollars, but the peace of mind it can give you and the expense you can avoid are worth thousands of dollars.

Mistake #5: Not knowing how much their credit can affect their ability to buy or refinance a home.

Before you buy a home, many of the clouds on your credit history can be cleared up or even eliminated. Your mortgage professional can help you review and prepare your credit file in advance.

an exerpt from by referral only

What help do you need to get our home buying process started?

Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for You Or Someone You Know?

An economics professor once said, “Capitalism works best in an economy of creeping inflation.” If you’ve ever wondered why prices keep rising, well, that’s capitalism doing its job. But that’s not what this report is all about – it’s about reverse mortgages.

So what do the two have in common? I probably don’t have to tell you that prices are constantly on the rise, and if you’re on a fixed income, such as retirement earnings, you just can’t keep up. You start looking for other sources of income. Do you go back to work? Do you borrow money? Do you cut back on the things you love to do?

Or…what if you didn’t have a house payment at all? Instead, what if your house was paying you!

This is where a reverse mortgage comes into play – and it might be right for you or someone you know. Basically, a reverse mortgage pays you money based upon how much equity you have in your house. It’s a way to convert some of that hard-earned equity you have into cash you can use every month. The safety of a reverse mortgage means you will never owe more than what your house is worth and the appreciation of your house will offset most of what you owe.

A reverse mortgage lets you stay in control of your money. You decide if you want a lump sum, monthly payments, an equity line, or a combination of these payment methods. Better yet, your income from this is still considered tax free.

The great thing about a reverse mortgage is that your age qualifies you, not your income or credit. The borrower and co-borrower must be 62 years of age or older, and must receive consumer education from an approved counselor before the loan will fund. This last point is very important because it offers you some protection against the people out there who will try to sell you something you don’t need or want. There are additional requirements, but those are a place to start.

Something else to think about is how much the property is worth and your remaining balance. When you get a reverse mortgage, you have to pay off the balance of the loan before you do anything else. For example, if you owe $100,000 on your home and the reverse mortgage would pay you $125,000, why get the loan? Even though your net gain would only be $25,000, minus any closing costs…you will never have to make a mortgage payment again – that’s an incredible plus to your lifestyle!

Because this is your money, once you’ve paid off the existing mortgage, you may spend it any way you wish. You can pay off debts. You can add to your monthly income with a guaranteed payment for life. You can pay for maintenance and repairs on your home or buy a new car. You can create an emergency cash fund or work with your financial advisor to enhance your financial plan. You can help family members or loved ones by setting up a college fund or helping them buy a new home, or you can use the money for travel, to pursue a hobby, or maybe buy a recreational vehicle – it’s ENTIRELY up to you…and remember, because this is money you already have, you will never have to repay a penny as long as one of you continues to live in your home.

Most reverse mortgage professionals will meet with you personally in your home or at their office to go over the details with you, your family or your advisors, and they will help you complete the paperwork quickly and without pressure.

There are some other things to consider. Reverse mortgages take time and patience, and it’s best if everyone in your family remains informed. You may encounter resistance from your children or other inheritors, because using the equity from your home will reduce their inheritance when you pass on. When they understand that you will improve the quality of your life, that you will never lose your home, that you will never have to make another mortgage payment, and they’ll have the option of purchasing the property when the time comes, they’ll probably support your decision for a reverse mortgage.

If you or someone you know is entertaining the thought of getting a reverse mortgage, your first step is to speak with your trusted mortgage consultant, and from there, with a counselor. The two of them will help you understand all the facts so you can decide whether a reverse mortgage is right for you.

                                                                                                                                                                                     an exerpt from By Referral Only