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Boston Home Center Housing Expo 2013

The key to your new home

The Sophie and Lisa Team attended  the Boston Home Center Housing Expo on March 23, 2013, located at the BCYF Perkins Community Center in Dorchester. They provided expertise on the art of home buying. Attendees at the expo learned about different types of mortgages available for first time home buyers, including: conventional, FHA, VA, Boston home financing, and soft second mortgages. There was also be information on the 3D Program, designed to revitalize triple deckers throughout Boston. Some great tips were picked up for Landlords and Tenants, as well as requirements for construction and rehab projects. Hours were from 9 AM- 2PM. For more information, visit http://www.cityofboston.gov/dnd/bhc/


Does An Open House Help Sell Your Home?

Legal Edge For Sale Sign

Welcome to the Open House

In the fast paced world of the internet, where everything regarding a potential home purchase can be viewed on line, why would a Seller want to have an open house? Here are a few great reasons why you should schedule an open house.

First, this is a great opportunity to properly clean up and simplify what’s in your home. Just think that for every single item you give away or pack away during the staging process, it is one step closer to the actual move out date and one item less to pack later on. This cleaning process now gives you the best opportunity to showcase your house to the world.

Both scheduling an open house and the for sale sign on your lawn let friends and neighbors know what’s happening. You want them to come in and take a look. What better form of advertising is there then word of mouth? If your neighbors know of friends that are looking to move into the area, they can give them a great incentive to come take a look.

There are many first time home buyers that will want to take a look. If they see what they like, the Buyers will be encouraged to take a second look and schedule a private showing. Or, in some areas where home inventories are still low, offers may be made right on the spot.

At your open house, it’s a great idea to have a booklet with information about the neighborhood, a plot plan or blue prints for the home, a map showing where the local schools are and any local amenities.

Finally, try creating some excitement. By having a short time frame for your open house (for example, one hour only), it brings in all the potential Buyers at the same time. This creates a sense of buzz about the home since many people are viewing it at once. A home that everyone wants, creates better offers.

When you schedule your open house, make sure you take into consideration holidays, sporting events or any local activities that could keep potential Buyers away.

Best Buyer Incentives

How does a Seller make their property more attractive so that it will sell quickly and attract more offers?

Try offering these sure fire incentives…

1. Offer a home warranty policy. Warranties cover repair and replacement costs for appliances and other systems associated with a home and offer a security blanket to cap potential home repairs for the first year a Buyer owns their new home.

2. Offer assistance with closing costs. Homes that offer financial incentives historically sell faster and are generally more appealing when compared to similar homes located  in the same neighborhood.

3. Offer a Remodeling or Repair Credit. If your home is in need of some TLC, adding on a remodeling incentive may just turn the tide for a Buyer that is willing to do the work, but already feeling stretched by the process of purchasing a home. The less a Buyer has to spend to get the home of their dreams, the quicker a Buyer will make the offer.

How to Avoid 5 of the Most Expensive Mistakes Home Buyers Make

 Mistake #1: Not knowing how much they can afford before they make an offer.
The easiest way to avoid this mistake is to get pre-approved for a mortgage by a Lender so you know in advance exactly how much you can afford. Most pre-approvals are free and it will give you a basis to  make a more informed purchasing decision when you find the house you like.

Mistake #2: Not realizing that the wrong mortgage can cost thousands of dollars in needless interest and taxes. Check with your accountant before you make your final decision on which mortgage you’re going to choose. Your CPA can tell you what the long-term effects will be on your income, your taxes, and the equity you build in your home over time. Most people aren’t aware that with a standard 30-year mortgage they’ll be paying two-and-a-half times the amount of the mortgage in payments. With some advance planning and a simple strategy, they can cut the amount of interest they pay dramatically and own their homes sooner.

Mistake #3: Not realizing in advance whom the real estate consultant represents.

Most people think that the agent they’re working with is working for them. But unless they’re working as your buyer representative, they represent the seller.  There are different types of agency relationships you can have with a Realtor, so make sure you’re clear on your options.

Mistake #4: Not discovering hidden defects before they buy a home.

One of the most expensive mistakes is also one of the easiest to avoid, by having a professional pre-purchase home inspection.  Don’t get stuck with a money pit. The cost of a professional home inspection is usually a few hundred dollars, but the peace of mind it can give you and the expense you can avoid are worth thousands of dollars.

Mistake #5: Not knowing how much their credit can affect their ability to buy or refinance a home.

Before you buy a home, many of the clouds on your credit history can be cleared up or even eliminated. Your mortgage professional can help you review and prepare your credit file in advance.

an exerpt from by referral only

What help do you need to get our home buying process started?

Boston Home Center Offers Great Investment Options

Last weekend Sophie and I partipated in the Boston Home Center’s Housing Expo. What an excellent opportunity for home buying in the city of Boston! There are great financing options available to help with both single and multi family homes, deleading programs, first time home buyer down payment options, and both FHA home loan and soft second home loan information readily available. We have just helped out one of the attendees just put an offer on a single family home in Mattapan. We can help guide you to the right connections, or check out their website for information and let us help find you that perfect first home or investment property. www.bostonhomecenter.com